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November 3, 2014


Nominations were held for all positions for the 2014 UA Local 179 Elections this past Saturday, November 1, 2014 at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall in Davidson, SK. To be eligible to vote, you have to have been a journeyperson member in good standing for one-year and to be eligible to run for office, you need to have been a journeyperson member in good standing for two years.

Elections will be held for the following positions: Business Manager, Business Agent, President, Executive Board & Finance Committee. Candidates for election for each position are listed in alphabetical order.  
The candidates seeking election are as follows: 

Business Manager – elect one (in alphabetical order)

1.    Troy Knipple

2.    Craig MacMillan

3.    Greg Moore

4.    Bill Peters

5.    Garnet St. Pierre

Business Agent – elect one (in alphabetical order)

1.    Mike McLean

2.    Bert Middleton

3.    Bill Steeves

4.    Grant Wright

President – elect one (in alphabetical order)

1.    Ken Boychuk

2.    Gerry Deets

Executive Board – elect four (in alphabetical order)

1.    Dave De La Sablonniere

2.    Brendon French

3.    Hegloy Gardner

4.    Randy Holzer

5.    Earl Leadbeater

6.    Wayne Middleton

7.    Andy Nuttall

8.    Darwin Payette

9. Dustin Saccucci

10. Mitch Solomon

11. Frank Varsanyi

12. Cory Wilson

 Finance Committee - elect four (in alphabetical order)

1. Brian Hall

2. Manfred Hauser

3. Dave Lichtenwald

4. Gerald Lovelace

5. Rick Meroniuk  

The following positions were filled by acclamation at the November 1, 2014 Nomination Meeting in Davidson, SK. Congratulations to:

Vice-President – Brandon Faul
Recording Secretary – Darwin Ewart
Inside Guard – Gord Pawelko
Plumber Examining Board – Shane Evans, Dallas Follick & Scott McIntyre

Sprinklerfitter Examining Board – Mike Chriest, Jonathan Horan & Tim Thoen
Pipefitter/Steamfitter Examining Board – Tino Charbonneau, Shawn Lemay & Brian Murray


  • November 10, 2014 - Ballots are mailed out to all eligible voters.
  • December 10, 2014 - All ballots must be received and in the UA Local 179 post office box by 5:00pm on December 10, 2014. 
  • December 17, 2014 - Ballots are counted. 
  • December 18, 2014 - Results of the elections are announced



SEC. 100.
(a) Each Local Union shall elect a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Inside Guard, Executive Board of five (5) members, one of whom shall be the Vice President, and a Finance Committee of three (3) members. A Building and Construction Trades Local Union and combination Local Union shall also elect an Examining Board to examine and qualify all journeymen for membership and work in the Building and Construction Trades industry. Each Local Union of the United Association has the right to elect one or more of its own members as Business Agent and Business Manager, and when they are elected they shall be considered as officers of the Local Union. Each officer elected by a Local Union must remain in good standing during his term of office. If he becomes suspended his office shall automatically be declared vacant and must be filled in accordance with the provisions adopted by the Local Union for filling vacancies.

(b) Each Local Union may provide in its Constitution and By-Laws that Business Agents assisting a Business Manager or Assistant Business Agent, may be elected or appointed in the manner set forth in the Local Union’s Constitution and By-Laws.

Any member appointed as Assistant Business Agent hereunder shall work directly under the supervision and control of the elected Business Manager or Business Agent and shall not be considered an officer of the Local Union. The termination of an appointed Business Agent or Assistant Business Agent shall be in accordance with the Local Union Constitution and By-Laws. A Business Manager must be elected and if a Local Union has only one Business Agent, he must be elected.

Eligibility for Office in Local Unions

SEC. 121. No member shall be eligible to be nominated for office in any Local Union unless he shall be a journeyman member and shall have been a member of the United Association and the Local Union in good standing for at least a period of two (2) years immediately prior to the election. Any journeyman member who owes or has paid a reinstatement fee within a period of two (2) years immediately prior to the date of the election shall not be eligible to be nominated for office in any Local Union. See Section 161 regarding eligibility of member contractors.

Election of Local Union Officers

SEC. 122. (a) All officers of Local Unions shall be elected for a term of not less than three (3) years. Nomination of officers for Local Unions shall be held during the months of May or November, and the election shall be held during the months of June or December and not earlier than twenty-five (25) days after the nomination meeting. At least ten (10) days prior to the nomination meeting, notice shall be mailed to the last known address of all members in good standing, setting forth (1) the date and place of the nomination meeting and the offices to be filled; (2) the date, time and place of the election meeting; and (3) the notice shall state also that, in the event of a tie vote and a runoff is necessary, the date, time and place of the runoff shall be stated. In an election of Local Union officers, a member may only be nominated for one (1) of the offices set forth in Section 100.

b) The election shall be by secret ballot at such place or places as shall be established by the Local Union. It shall be the duty of the Local Union to provide safeguards for the honest and fair conduct of such election, including the granting of the right of each nominee in such election of at least one (1) observer at the candidate’s own expense at each polling place who must be a member of the Local

Union in good standing. Voting by writing in the name of a person not nominated shall not be permitted. The candidate for each office who receives a plurality of the votes cast shall be declared elected. Where several positions in one office must be filled, as in the case of the Executive Board, Examining Board or Finance Committee, etc., the candidates shall be elected in the descending order of the votes received, starting with the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast. In case of a tie of two or more candidates, a runoff election shall be conducted among those candidates.

(c) All Local Unions of the United Association are to immediately amend their Local Union Constitution and By-Laws to provide for the filling of vacancies in Local Union offices by either appointment or election, as the Local Union may determine.

(d) In an election of Local Union officers, an officer holding an office that is not up for election is not eligible for nomination to some other Local Union office set forth in Section 100 unless he first resigns the office he holds. His resignation must be written and filed with the Local Union prior to the mailing of nomination meeting notices.

(e) The General Executive Board shall have full discretionary authority to waive the time requirements of Section 122 for Local Unions that hold an election of officers six (6) months prior to the United Association Convention. The General Executive Board shall determine the months to which the Local Unions shall advance the holding of their elections of officers. An advancement of a Local Union’s election of officers under this section shall not affect the term of office of incumbent officers. Where a Local Union holds nominations for Local Union offices at the same time it nominates delegates and alternates to the United Association Convention a member may be nominated for either a full-time salaried office or as a United Association Convention delegate or alternate, or both.

Mail Balloting
SEC. 123.
(a) Mail balloting may be authorized in elections of Local Union officers under the following conditions: The Local Union membership shall, at either a special or regular meeting, by appropriate motion, file a request with the General President for permission to use the mail ballot. This request shall be filed with the General President thirty (30) days prior to the holding of nominations and shall set forth the reasons why mail ballots are necessary. The General President may, in his discretion, for the best interest of the Local Union and the United Association, grant or deny such request. The General President may, in his discretion, for the best interest of the Local Union and the United Association, order that an election of Local Union officers be held by mail ballot in the absence of a request from the Local Union membership.

(b) The General President shall prescribe rules and regulations controlling the use of the mail ballots so that the integrity and secrecy of the ballot box may be safeguarded. When the General President authorizes the use of a mail ballot, he may also authorize the Local Union to move its nominations and elections one (1) month earlier than the times prescribed in Section 122(a), with installation of officers to occur during the same month the Local Union previously installed their officers. The decision of the General President shall be final and binding and there shall be no appeal from his decision granting or denying the request of the Local Union to use a mail ballot.

Eligibility to Vote at Local Union Election

SEC. 124. (a) No member shall vote at any election of any description unless he has been a member in good standing in the Local Union where the vote is being taken for a period of one (1) year immediately prior to the date of election. Any member who owes or has paid a reinstatement fee within a period of one (1) year immediately prior to the date of election shall not be eligible to vote in any Local Union election.

See Section 161 regarding eligibility of member contractors to vote.

(b) The General Secretary-Treasurer will upon request of the Business Manager or the Financial Secretary of a Local Union furnish an eligibility list indicating those members eligible to vote and seek office in Local Union elections.

(c) The request for such list should be made at least thirty (30) days prior to nominations in the Local Union.




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UA Local 179

402 Solomon Drive, Regina, Saskatchewan S4N 5A8
Tel: 306-569-0624
Fax: 306-781-8052
Toll Free: 1-877-893-2179 (in Saskatchewan only)
Call Out Line: 306-569-3641